Whether you are importing new material for the build or repurposing and grading existing site material, get the material tested for compatibility.
The grade, shape, density and potential containments in your selected sports sand can be the difference between a great pitch and once fails. It is also more cost effective to use local material but not having it checked independently could be a big risk. Let us help you with bridging calculations.
With many products on the market they differ in construction and in some cases from the technical data sheet provided in the contract. From fibre height, dTex, width, to carpet backing strength, gauge, tuft withdrawal, mass and stitch number. Carry out checks on the product prior to laying.
Be sure the fibres are going to stand up to the climate, usage stress and maintenance practices. Have them tested for UVA resistance, tensile strength, elongation, dTex, and length.
With new maintenance every year independently check whether your surface develops before and after and monitor the ongoing impact of the equipment and procedure carried out.